YamPiz 무료 서비스 | 18:44:21[회보] 페이지 하단에 오류를 신고 할 수 있습니다. | Share |
If you are from other sites connected to here, the Heyxu Member Service Center, do not worry! That is because the Heyxu provides the unified membership authentication mechanism. Sign up here then you can back to login the original site, please see [Heyxu Tactics] and [Member Rights]. |
Heyxu member for lifetime free, and has a virtual Avatar, can be used to participate in the various activities organized by the Heyxu, rewarded. More about Avatar please see [Avatar]. |
Please fill the correct information to establish membership information, information will not be used for any other purposes, please see [Tactics]. Part of the information sent soon no longer be able to modify. Heyxu reserves the right to deny and remove member account when the information you filled in with the facts and cause unnecessary distress. |
Our site uses an 128-bits encrypted connection to ensure the security of the data transmission, please see [SSL & Certification]. If the sign up process accidentally jumped off the application procedure, the same account name(UserID) can not be re-apply in 48 hours. |
Real Name | letters : 0/20 Non-public information, not be modified after submit, make sure that you fill in the correct order to avoid impact on the advanced certification and membership rights exercised. |
생신 | Yr Mn Dy 非公開資訊,請正確填寫以免影響進階認證及未來會員權利上的行使。 |
성별 | 非公開資訊,請正確填寫以免影響進階認證及未來會員權利上的行使。 Gender explain |
성별 | Incorrect! The unique Name on the Yampiz World, Used to display on the Web page, and can be modified in the Member Service Center. |
이메일 | @ Each e-mail can apply for a membership account, the system will send a certified letter to your e-mail to make sure that we can contact you, just click on the link in the letter to activate your membership account. |
사용자 ID | Incorrect! Create a Member User-ID used to represent the identity of your network in Yampiz World, please use A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 and _ characters, composed of 4 to 16 characters, The first character of the User-ID must be in English, Character of case is regarded as the same, such as the Jacky same as JAckY. |
암호 | Incorrect! Set a password to identify you, Please use A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and _ characters, composed of 4 to 16 characters. |